Product Development
Optimise your offer
Voice of the customer
Merge your surveys
Optimise Customer Journey
Behavioural prediction in your CRM
Media Targetting
Plan media around real prospects
Tailored Communications
Customise messages to suit
Customer Churn
Target those most likely to defect
Integration first
You know this already.
Pulling down silos
The trick is to use all your assets together. A 'data integration first' strategy ensures consistent data across teams. Responsive, informed decisions mean better relationships with your customers and stronger sales.
Respecting data privacy
Predictive analytics ensures you are using all the information you have about your customers, while honouring your customers privacy. And without being a creep.
Leveraging insight
'Integration first' means ensuring you are embedding your customer insight into your communications, product design and sales process. You can't do that with Powerpoint slides.
How we work
We operate a phased, risk adverse model
Our toolkit
Cost effective and powerful machine learning at scale
The things we're asked all the time.
What do need to get started?
Get in touch to arrange an informal, introductory call.
What about GDPR compliance?
Our privacy policy is updated to comply with the latest data protection legislation. We do not accept any personally identifiable information, and any data is encrypted at rest. When working in the pharma and finance sectors, our analysts will work on site.
How do you know your predictions are accurate?
We're making calculated guesses to fill in missing pieces. Our guesses aren't perfect, but they don't have to be. Often a very broad brush "directional" prediction will create enough uplift to return your investment a thousand times over. The real question is, what's 2% market share worth to you? And we're only getting started.
I don't understand.
Its so not a problem. We'll explain in simple terms and take the faff out. Zero black boxes. No ivory towers.
What sort of budget am I looking at here?
We'll cut cloth to suit and where possible, give you some options.
What's your payment policy?
We invoice by project phase. Work begins when your accounts team raise the purchase order.
I've got a data science team, will you help?
What's your turnaround time like?
This depends on your requirements, a typical project may run from three weeks to six months depending on scope and volume.